Well, i've noticed that this year most people are saying that resolutions really aren't their thing...and maybe they are onto something with setting goals instead. In the past I have made resolutions, but it seems that no matter how many new years that I ring in...I'm so over the unrealistic expectations that I set for myself within weeks of making them. SOOOO, I will totally be a copycat this year and set some "goals" for myself.
1.) Stay on my health kick. I started my diet back in October. Everyone said that I picked the worst time to start a diet seeing that the holidays were about to hit. But, i'm SO glad that I went through with it. After putting on 60 pounds over the last 3 years..i was ready to get back in the gym and get healthy again. I'm almost 30 pounds lighter now and im feeling GREAT. I still want to lose about 40 more. I don't want to be unrealistic..but I do want to be healthy. Working out 6 days a week makes me feel great...so I would like to stick with that feeling.
2.) I would like to start running. I "run" about 6 miles between the elliptical and arch trainer..but i want to run ...i think im going to try a 5k in February! I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH THIS GOAL. It is something I have never tried.
3.) I def want to work on having a better attitude toward things I cannot change.
4.) Being fearless! I know that sounds so cliche and i have seen it on many blogs..but I really would love to accomplish this. I hate that I let fear keep me from doing things. I hate the fear of failure because I believe it stops me from pursuing my dreams.
5.) Dreams....yeah....I want to write more. I tell myself everyday how many people write their whole lives and are never published..so once again I let the fear of that hold me back. But I'M GOING TO CONTINUE WRITING and getting better at it this year.
6.) Being a better blogger. Even if no one reads this I will be able to look back on it and remember things that I would probably otherwise forget.
7.) Travel. I bought a plane ticket to NYC with a friend and cannot wait till march to go. I've never been! I worry about spending too much money on travel..but traveling truly TRULY makes me happy. I want to make seeing places a definite priority.
8.) Continue making great grades in grad school. Even if i hate the program..i'm going to give it my all.
9.) Be a better teacher. I feel like I have slacked off and I DO NOT want my students to suffer because of it. Yeah, I never EVER thought I would be teaching ESL classes to people twice my age..but God blessed me with this job..so I need to do the best I can possibly do. I will be a GREAT teacher this year...even if that means staying late when I would rather be watching C coach his heart out.
10.) Be a better girlfriend. I have the world's best boyfriend...I don't know how he puts up with me.
11.) Being a better person in general(what does that even mean?) I just want to DO MORE..help out more....I don't know in what capacity yet...but I don't want to just sit around when I am perfectly capable of making a difference...even if it is small!!
What are your goals for 2011????
What great goals!!! Good luck with your running! Make sure you keep us updated!
Thanks for linking up!
Happy NEw Years!
Good list! I am working on training for a 5K right now...it is so scary! Good luck!
Great resolutions! #6 is also on my list! Happy 2011!
Love these resolutions! Thanks for linking up :)
Happy 2011!
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