Saturday, October 16, 2010

DIY: jewelry organizer

What a great long day! I am so tired and it is only 6 pm. This morning C and I decided to do something very rare....yard sale/thrift store shop. Sounds enthralling right? ha, it really was. We got up early and grabbed a paper and checked out some yard sales and garage sales. I didn't find anything really. I was looking for crafty stuff of course...and he was looking for old video games(such a boy). I was SPECIFICALLY looking for an old picture frame. My guidelines were that the frame had some old antiquey or molding(i don't know if this makes sense..but i get it) like look to it. I didn't care the color or anything else...however, i couldn't find ANYTHING! At one yard sale I found one that would have worked, however, it was 20.00...and not in good shape at all. I kept shopping. We went to goodwill, salvation army, and a few other thrift stores and I was so disappointed to see the price on such old frames that were in bad shape. I didn't find anything cheaper than 15.00. How annoying. So what sent me on such a quest for a frame? I saw this amazing DIY project on someones blog on how to make a jewelry organizer. It was so unique and I was instantly begging the weekend to hurry along so that I could make this!

After searching I ended up empty handed and gave up momentarily. We ran into hobby lobby and I realized this weekend they just happened to be having a 50% off sale on all FRAMES...WOO! I ended up snagging one that isn't EXACTLY what I was looking for, but would work, for 13.00! It will work.

So, my DIY jewelry organizer is complete...and I cannot wait to show it off to blog land...but first the paint must dry and then I'll get everything organized and show pics:)! STAY TUNED, YOU WANT TO SEE IT!

In the meantime, I must go get all this paint off me(I'm such a messy crafter) and stop C from breaking something.....we are watching the ARKANSAS/auburn unimpressed! Something will be broken before it's over i'm sure! C'MON HOGS!

Happy Saturday!

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