Sunday, October 3, 2010

Take me and pull me through..I can't do this without you

I've always liked blogging. I used xanga back in the day then eventually started blogging with myspace(i know! who even uses myspace anymore) and now here I am at blogger. I think i've said this before, but I really did just start using blogger as a way to get my sewing projects out there and to look at other amazing crazy people, however, I am going to use my blog today just to get some "stuff" off my chest.

I love talking about how blessed I am, because I truly believe I am blessed! I think that I life such an amazing life, with that said...this year has been hard for me! The beginning of the year was hard because I was in a moving frenzy, lived 3 hours away from my love, finishing up my college life, watching good friends move away when they were done with school, and losing the best friend I thought I could ever have. It was such a crazy time in my life and I think I honestly dealt with it pretty poorly. I hate change in the first place, especially such monumental change, and that felt crazy monumental to me. However, here I am...10 months later...and I feel so much stronger than I was at the begging of this year. I moved (and it worked out), C moved back home and found a teaching job so much closer (YAY WE NOW LIVE IN THE SAME TOWN AND THAT YEAR APART MADE US SO MUCH BETTER), I finished college (AND now I'm so excited about starting a new job teaching and tutoring and pursuing a master's degree), I watched good friends head off for the summer (but we still talk and laugh and i'm happy for them), and I did lose my best friend (we still talk occasionally but it'll never be the same)...SO with all that said and broken down to say this...i lived...i survived..and im a better person because of each of those things happened to me..and hurt..and sometimes I felt like it would never be okay again...but it was..and it is.

I know in the grand scheme of life...all of those things seem so tiny and insignificant..and they really truly are. It amazes me what we put our focus on and what we prioritize and make such a HUGE part of our lives. But, it also amazes me that God takes time out to care about each of these really REALLY and i mean REALLY care about them. He sees every tear and he says to us "JUST HOLD ON..YOU'LL SEE" and then we do....that amazes me.

I have felt so sick for the last month right leg is so swollen. It was over 3 inches bigger than my left. I originally thought it was just a side effect of the injury last month when i fell down the stairs..but after some coaxing from my mom I headed to the dr to find out I needed some tests ran to make sure it was not a blood clot! THAT WAS SCARY! At 23, hearing that is scary. I had the test ran and that was that...they said it was negative which is great. But they had no explanation for my HUGE leg and my fever and my chest hurting! I have seen FOUR DOCTORS to no avail. Well finally last night after a visit to the ER i got some answers....they ran more tests to make sure there was no blood clot in my lungs..and PRAISE GOD there wasn't...they also did an EKG and other scary tests and I found out that the fever and high blood pressure and chest pains are a cause of infection and fluid buildup WHICH IS GREAT NEWS considering what it could have been! I was so thankful and I had been praying so hard and when the doctor came in finally with answers I felt the biggest weight of my life just come off my shoulders. Life is so short..and wasting our time worrying about little BITTY STUPID things is not important. But when it matters to US, it matters to God!

The other day i was praying and I had such a "God Moment" and basically I can sum it up to say this GOD HEARS US...EVERY SINGLE PRAYER..EVER SINGLE WORD...he hears us..and He listens...and He is working to put his perfect play into action! Just hold on...he HEARS!

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