What craziness has been going on. I feel like the last few weeks have been just ...weird. not bad. but weird. I had an interview that would have been somewhat of a good opportunity for me as I forge ahead with grad school. I thought I would for sure get it, however, I arrived home to find a nice rejection letter in the mail. That on top of falling down the stairs at the movies when young kid tripped into me last Friday and severely injured my leg/ foot, ON top of everything else that is going on as I try to figure out how life will go once grad school begins! I feel like I put law school on hold to pursue a Master's degree in something I am uncertain about...and that doesn't make me very happy. Everything seemed just...bizarre. BUT, as i began to sit here and think that the cards were somewhat stacked against me, I had a massive and overwhelming reality check about just how blessed I really am. Don't you love when that happens? So, this post will be dedicated to the sweet little man who makes me realize what a blessed life is.

He is tiny, short, and perfect in every way! I can still think back to almost 6 years ago when i first held his tiny little body in my arms and I KNEW that i loved that boy more than life. I had never known it was possible to love someone so much AND he wasn't even "mine". He was just so perfect. Now I get to watch him grow and that is so amazing. He really does make my life so very sweet. I know everyone is partial and thinks that their child, nephew, neice, cousin, sister, brother or whoever is the sweetest and smartest and kindest...but I know that MINE truly is. He has the kindest heart of any child I have ever met. He hugs and kisses freely and it is not unusual to hear "Ashley, I love you!" without even prompting it. You should hear him pray! HE LOVES JESUS with all his little heart and you can truly tell it by hearing him pray. I've never ever heard a 5 year old pray like he does and it melts my heart. He says the cutest things and our conversations crack me up so much. He is like a little adult and if you are around us you will her conversations such as this
Sam:" Hey Ashie, I learned all the worlds!"
Ashley: "No way!!! You did? I don't believe it! Let me hear..."
Sam:"Okay...there is Africa, Asia, the artica, monticello, muerka springs....uhh...i forgot the rest"
Ashley: "WHOA!!!! You sure do know some of the worlds....did you know you are the smartest kid alive and I..."
Sam: "I know I know..you love my little face!"
Ashley: "Yes..i do love your little face!"
Sam:" Hey Ashie, I learned all the worlds!"
Ashley: "No way!!! You did? I don't believe it! Let me hear..."
Sam:"Okay...there is Africa, Asia, the artica, monticello, muerka springs....uhh...i forgot the rest"
Ashley: "WHOA!!!! You sure do know some of the worlds....did you know you are the smartest kid alive and I..."
Sam: "I know I know..you love my little face!"
Ashley: "Yes..i do love your little face!"
I am so blessed to know this little man and to be his auntie. He starts kindergarten in little over a week and I truly cannot wait to see how he grows and to watch him learn. Today at lunch, when I looked down at his little face that now holds a thick set of glasses (just found out he is VERY VERY farsighted) I realized that I am tremendously blessed to be part of his little world. Things may be uncertain at times. I may have no clue what comes next. But my life is truly blessed. And I'm so thankful that I have this little man around to make me remember that.....so...to the tiny little brilliant light in my life. You are my heaven and I love and adore you more than life itself.
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