Whoa, what a year. I cannot believe today is the last day of 2010. I can't say i'm sad to see it go though. It has def been a year of change for me. So many HUGE things happened this year. It was hard and so rocky at some points...a great deal of growing up...laughter, tears, memories..i'm happy and blessed to see a new year come in though.
I would have to say that every year has a certain theme..and this year for me..the theme was GROWING UP! It was truly a year of coming into my own, failing at things, realizing things I should have learned a LOT sooner, making friends, losing friends...I could go on an on...
10 things I learned in '10
1.) One of the first things I learned in 2010 was who my friends are. I realized that unfortunately people change when they grow up....they move on..and sometimes friendships don't stick..it was a hard lesson to learn...and as corny as it sounds...it was painful...but at the same time really really worth it. I can now see things that I couldn't while I was IN the situation...I'm better now..it's better now. I will forever chose my friends more wisely as well as trying my best to be the best friend I can be to those around me. I honestly feel that is one thing that God wants from us...to do our best with our lives...show that in everything we do...even friendships. I'm blessed now with some really amazing friendships.
(My friend Kayla drew this for me on graduation day...she couldn't be there..but this cracked me up)
2.) Loving someone cannot be stopped by distance. I lived 3 hours away from C for the first 5 months of 2010. It was hard..but so worth it. It taught me so many lessons and allowed me to spend my last semester of college with good friends being crazy and spontaneous.
(C and me ...not in 2010..im pretty sure this pic was in '08..but it's the first pic i came across of us:) hah...thank the Lord my hair is not that length anymore..what was I thinking?)
3.) Completing goals is so worth it. I graduated college this year. What a huge accomplishment for me. I started out college 4 years ago and did not do so hot my first year...I skipped class ALLL THE TIME. But I got back in there, got my GPA up, got a scholarship, and accomplished something that no one can ever take away from me.
(Me and my friend Will on graduation day...loved graduating with one of my good friends that I met in college)

(Me after graduation..i was so pumped! Please ignore the messy hair and sweaty looks..it was like 105 degrees the day i graduated..ew)
4.) I don't like living alone. I did this a few years back when my roommate moved out, and I did it in Jan and Feb pretty much. My roommate was around sporadically, but usually not. Maybe once every 2 weeks. We had very scary and weird things happen at our apt...people coming in, finding...adult videos and male clothes in our attic(yeah, im so not kidding) scariness. BOTTOM LINE...I love having roommates...living alone is really not my thing. I get bored.
5.) Failing is okay. I learned a very important lesson this year. I am so scared of failure that it is RIDICULOUS. I noticed, for the first time in my life, that sometimes i just WON'T do things because I think I might fail at it and I worry what people will think. STUPID!!!! I would rather fail then never try. I have failed at something twice now..something big and important for my future...i won't give up though..i will keep trying till i succeed.
6.) I love writing(this isn't a new discovery) this is something i've known since i was a little girl. My Bachelor's degree probably would have been in creative writing(but once again..i was worried about what people would think about my writing)...my last semester of college I finally gave in and took a creative writing class. I have never felt more fulfilled with anything. I looked forward to assignments...and I began to LOVE when people would respond to my writing......whether it needed improvement or not...it was a wonderful feeling.
7.) I changed my career goals. I went through 2010 thinking law school would come RIGHT AFTER graduation...BUT I believe the Lord had other plans. I'm in grad school now and start the NTL this summer.
8.) Being fit and healthy makes me happy. I put on 60 pounds slowly over the last 3 years....well...i am NOW 30 POUNDS LIGHTER because of lifestyle changes i've made. I still want to lose more weight..but to me it's more than a number..it's a change I want to bring with me from 2010 until forever. I love feeling healthy!
9.) Harboring hurt and pain does NO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10.) The most important thing in life is being happy. And I def am.
I have so many goals for 2011. I'll post those tomorrow though:) I am going to do Kendi's 30 for 30 remix challenge in jan too...I'M EXCITED...i'll post about that tomorrow too. I hope everyone has an amazing new year's eve night...be safe!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR.