I really don't have a "good reason" to be in such a horrible mood. BUT I'm horrified by a certain situation I have found myself in. I don't want to go into detail b/c even though it royally sucks..i know that God is dealing with it and I cannot dwell on it.
Oh, also i'm in a horrible mood b/c i have to work for 2 hours in the cold tomorrow night. I love winter but I had cold weather...ask me how that makes sense? Oh right, it doesn't. I dread it so bad...and i'm annoyed that I have to be there. Don't I work Monday-Friday..no nights or weekends for a reason? Yeah apparently that doesn't matter.
So today when my bad mood was sparked...i ate some pineapple(b/c when you're on a diet and you cant drown your sorrows in icecream, you pretend that the friggin' pineapples taste just as good when you know they really don't) and then I went out for some retail therapy! I discovered this PERFECT little shop in my town (apparently it's been there for 20 years...i've never even entered the place and i've lived here forever) Anywho, the shop had everything you could ever hope or want to have for your home. I had to resist the urge to spend way too much money in there...b/c well..i don't have a home yet so that would be pointless. I did buy a roasted espresso candle though. It smells AMAZING...I cannot wait to go home, put on pajamas, curl up with a good book, and light that bad boy:) But first...2 more hours of being frozen in this miserable office!
I will end this post by saying I have the most amazing boyfriend of all times...even when im cranky, grouchy, snappy with him...he just stays perfect, sweet, kind, loving supportive...on and on! I'm blessed and I hope one day I can possess an ounce of his calm, sweet, and unbelievably kind character.
Random though...i just finished reading James Patterson's Sundays at Tiffany's. Love! I usually don't like books with fantasy elements..however, I am a fan of this one...READ IT! Then watch the new movie that just came out..go lifetime.
Happy Thursday(even if this did start out as a rant)..the weekend is right around the corner.
this is my lame attempt of slapping on a happy face before I head to teach my students tonight..It will be our last class this year! I wonder if they are as psyched about that as I am! Ignore the blur that makes me look slightly cross-eyed.

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