My 41 dollar elliptical.

Love these boots...the first time I've been brave enough to wear them..don't feel like i can pull them off..but they are cute and i love that they are flats:) casual or dressy! PLUS they keep my legs warm....suck it cold weather.
Yay, Michael Buble.
This weekend was really great.
Friday night I headed to dinner and the movies for some much needed family time. My mom, sister-in-law, brother, my nephew, and niece all headed out for some food and then my brother split as we headed to the movies to finally watch Tangled. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!! So cute! Sam and Emma loved it as well.
Saturday morning I woke up early and cuddled with Sam. I love that little boy so much. He really has my heart. Then I headed to the gym and worked out, showered, then headed to do a little Christmas shopping with C. We went to K-Mart which is bizarre because we rarely ever go there. While we were there though I walked past the fitness section and saw a sign on an elliptical machine that said "41.75" and I thought I read it wrong so I walked over..and sure enough..there were two elliptical on sale for that price. I got an employee and asked him what the deal was...I mean..it's not everyday that something is marked down over 260 bucks. He told us that they were both fine...the only problem was that they were the floor models and so they couldn't sell them for the regular price and since they had new equipment coming in they needed to sell them quickly. I got on and tested it out and loved it. I called my mom because she has a love for the elliptical too so she met me there and we bought both of them. It is smaller and not near as nice as the gym's elliptical machine..but it was 41.75. I LOVE going to the gym these days...but a lot of times I get home and wish I had something I could do at night. So it solved that problem. I'm very excited!
My plan now is too work out at the gym in the mornings.....do my elliptical at night along with P90x! woo.
Anyways, the rest of Saturday was spent in town then we went back to C's house where he grilled chicken, steak, and shrimp with yummy veggies and we watched Big Bang Theory! Perfect Saturday.
Today I have been relaxing, dinner with the fam, then I ran 20 mins on MY elliptical:) the rest of the day I plan to watch Christmas movies and chill. I have a big week ahead with work! The last full week until January though..so I'm excited to get it started and finished.
Last week as so crazy busy as well. Monday I had to work late and study for grad finals, Tuesday I went to the Michael Buble concert with friends, Wednesday was my mom's birthday, Thursday i had to work late again!
So..needless to say I'm ready for a break!:)
....I wonder why all my pictures turned out so small on here?
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