Well, it's been about 7 or 8 weeks since I started my eating healthy and workout habits. I'm proud to report I've lost 15 pounds! It seemed so slow at first and the last few weeks I have really been able to tell a difference!
I've decided I don't want to call this thing I'm doing a "diet" because to me that means temporary...I simply want it to be living a better lifestyle for me and my future self. lol. I don't have kids or a husband..but I want to make a change now that will last to when I do. I don't want my future kids to develop horrible eating habits like I had. I really want to make a change that will last forever, therefore, i'm going about this whole losing weight process in a different way. There are so many people out there that take pills and injections and Lord knows what else to help them lose weight......but...the minute they come off those they put weight back on. I don't want to do that. I would rather this be a slow and steady process to keeping the weight off then to have it come off rapidly only to come back. ANYWAYS, with all that sad....my eating habits have drastically improved. People keep telling me that i'm crazy for starting a diet at the holidays b/c I missed out on the Halloween candy and the Thanksgiving goodies, and Christmas treats! BUT, I don't see it like that. I knew that I had to start during this time because it WOULD be difficult but it would teach me the self-discipline that I needed for a whole new year of eating healthy.
On Thanksgiving day I worked out for 2 hours super early that morning so that I could have some good dessert because I haven't ate anything like that in a while. So that day I had a cookie and 2 pieces of apple pie and a little bit of banana pudding! It was great! It was hard not to think about the calories...but...I didn't feel THAT guilty for eating it..because I knew I had worked out and every once in a while on this "being healthier kick" im going to have to allow myself some indulgences or it will NEVER EVER stick.
I really enjoy working out most days. Some days I struggle to pull myself out of my bed...but I know I will feel horrible about it if i don't! So I go..and then LOVE the feeling I experience when I walk out of the gym.
The title of this post is inspiration. The last few times I've been to the gym I've experienced just that. About a year ago, a girl from the community I live in, was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer. I didn't know her personally, but I knew her family(pastors) of the church I visit sometimes. I also knew some of her friends that were destroyed by the news as you can imagine. Our community began raising money for her family...she is married and has 3 little boys. The doctors told her it was too late..and she could never beat it. But she began treatment and fighting this horrible battle anyways. About 2 months ago she finished her last treatment...mind you they were having to travel to ANOTHER STATE for these treatments...which must have been horrible when you're THAT sick. After the last treatment she received the news that she was...CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, cancer was COMPLETELY 100% GONE! Praise God! It just amazes me. I was able to hear her testimony at church a few weeks ago and was so moved by her entire story...the way God was working when she couldn't see it....and the way he had this magnificent plan the whole time for her and her family. ANYWAYS, so I went to work out a few days ago..and there she was...running on a treadmill...hardly any hair..with the biggest smile on her face. It literally gave me goosebumps! She is a miracle in my eyes..and the truest of all inspiration. When I wake up grumpy and simply do not want to do it...I think of her.
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