It's 2:03. I should be sleeping. HOWEVER, i'm up with debit card in hand trying to order those beautiful boots you see in the last post. Maybe God intervened though because THE WEBSITE IS MYSTERIOUSLY DOWN? Maybe God knew those beauties wouldn't fit my one freakishly large calf (yes, i said one...get off my back...i can't help it) or maybe he knows im making bad decisions in my sleep deprived state. EITHER WAY...THAT WEBSITE BETTER BE BACK UP ASAP!
maybe the internet fairies will hear my desperate boot needin' plea and make my night....I NEED THESE BOOTS.
Also..i'm thinking very seriously about doing Kendi's 30 day remix challenge..........I really must be delusional. no shopping and only wearing 30 pieces for a month? Sounds crazy, but fun...we shall see how I feel about that tomorrow when I've had more sleep.
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